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l 个人简介


唐纳德·布鲁斯·丁韦尔教授长期从事火山灰及其对地球环境影响研究,至今已发表学术论文 500 余篇,其中包括 Nature 文章 8 篇, Science 文章 1 篇;ISI 引用超过 21000 次,谷歌引用超过 31000 次,H 因子 91曾获得国际地球科学领域的最高奖,是现任德国慕尼黑大学地球与环境科学院院长和创始系主任,欧洲科学院副院长。他是国际地球内部地球化学火山学协会(IAVCEI)和欧洲地球科学联盟的前任主席,欧洲研究理事会的前任秘书长,先后当选欧洲科学学会副院长(2007)、加拿大皇家学会院士(2010)、德国科学技术研究院(2013)与德国国家科学院(2017)双院院士、英国皇家学会会士(2021),墨西哥科学院院士(2022),中国科学院院士(2023)。

Donald Dingwell received his B.Sc. (1980) in Geology/Geophysics from the Memorial University of Newfoundland and his Ph.D. in Geology at the University of Alberta (1984). In 2000, he was called to the Chair in Mineralogy and Petrology at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, where, since 2002, he is Director of the Department of Earth and Environment. He has published ca.560 papers on geomaterials, magmas and volcanism. His approach is fundamentally experimental and materials-based. His current research spans the structure and dynamics of silicate melts, the mechanistic interpretation of volcano monitoring and magma kinematics and the quantification of the role of volcanism and volcanic ash in the Earth System. He holds the Bunsen (EGU), Day (GSA), Hess (AGU), Holmes (EGU), Peacock (MAC), Werner (DMG), Steinmann (DGGV), VIP (GAC) and Miller (RSC) Medals; the Goldschmidt (DMG), Bowen (AGU), Schott, and MSA (MSA) awards, honorary degrees from UCL, Alberta, UNAM, Simon Fraser, Beihang and Bari. He is fellow of the Royal Societies of Canada, London and Edinburgh, Academia Europaea, acatech, Leopoldina, Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, and Chinese Academy of Sciences. He holds the Order of Merit of Germany, and the Orders of Canada and Newfoundland/Labrador. He was President of the European Geoscience Union and the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior, and was Secretary-General of the European Research Council. He is Vice-President of the Academia Europaea.

l 研究方向


Experimental Geoscience, Geomaterials

l 联系方式



1980-1984       加拿大阿尔伯特大学 地质学 理学博士

1976-1980       加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学 地质学/地球物理学 理学学士

Bachelor of Science - Geology/Geophysics (B.Sc. Honours : May 1980) Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John´s, Newfoundland, Canada Dissertation:

"Geology, Geochemistry and Geophysics of the Port Aux Basques Granite." Profs. D.F. Strong u. H. Miller

Doctor of Philosophy - Geology (Ph.D. : September 1984)

The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Dissertation: "Investigations of the role of fluorine in silicate melts: implications for igneous petrogenesis."

Prof. C.M. Scarfe

Habilitation in Geochemistry (Dr. rer. nat. habil. : February 1992) Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany

Dissertation:  "Relaxation and Rheology in Silicate Melts."


2004-2005 慕尼黑大学地球科学学院 教授,院长

2002-至今 慕尼黑大学地球与环境科学系 教授,创始系主任

2000-至今 慕尼黑大学矿物与岩石学系 教授,系主任

1987-2000 拜罗伊特大学巴伐利亚研究中心 科学助理,副主任,科学经理

1986-1987 多伦多大学 助理教授

1984-1986卡内基研究所地球物理研究室 博士后

July 2004 - Sept 2005       Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences- University of   Munich

June 2002 – Sept 2024       founding Director - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - University of Munich

February 2000- Sept 2024       Chair of Mineralogy and Petrology and Head of the Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, University of   Munich

Feb 1991 - Feb 2000       Scientific Manager (geschäftsführender Mitarbeiter),

Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik (Bayerisches Geoinstitut), Universität Bayreuth

July 1987 - Jan 1991       Deputy Director (wissenschaftliches Assistent) - Bayerisches

Forschungsinstitut für Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik (Bayerisches Geoinstitut), Universität Bayreuth

July 1986 - July 1987       Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) - Earth and Planetary

Sciences - University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Sept 1984 - July 1986       Carnegie Postdoctoral fellow - Geophysical Laboratory,

Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA


2023-至今 欧洲科学院 副主席

2021-2023 波兹坦国家地学研究中心顾问委员会 主席

2015-至今 欧洲科学院顾问委员会 委员

2015-2019 国际火山学与地球内部化学联合会 主席

2011-2013 欧洲研究理事会 秘书长

2011-2013 欧洲地球科学联合会 主席

2023-     Vice-president of the Academia Europaea

2021-2023 Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam

2015-     Member of the European Academies Scientific Advisory Council EASAC

2015-2019   President - International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior (IAVCEI)

2011-2013       3rd Secretary General – European Research Council

2011-2013   President of the European Geosciences Union


EAVESDROP – Experimental Access to Volcanic eruptions: Driving Observational Potential ERC Advanced Grant


-elected Corresponding Fellow – Royal Society of Edinburgh (2024)

-elected Foreign member – Chinese Academy of Sciences (2023)

-elected Vice-President of the Academia Europaea (2023-2026)

-elected as Corresponding member - Academia Mexicana de Ciencias (AMC) (2022)

-Canada First Research Excellence Fund Selection Board (2022-2023)

-Willet G. MILLER Medal of the Royal Society of Canada (2022)

-Order of Newfoundland and Labrador (O.N.L.) (2021)

-elected to the Royal Society (London) (2021)

-Harry H. HESS Medal of the American Geophysical Union (2020)

-Officer of the Order of CANADA (O.C.) (2020)

-Arthur HOLMES Medal and Honorary Membership of the European Geosciences Union (2020)

-Abraham Gottlob WERNER Medal of the German Mineralogical Society (2019)

-Fellow of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (2019)

-Advanced Researcher Award (2nd)  – European Research Council (2019-2024)

-VIP Career Achievement Medal – Geological Association of Canada (2019)

-Elected member of the German National Academy of Sciences - LEOPOLDINA ( 2017)

-Arthur DAY Medal – Geological Society of America (2016)

-PEACOCK Medal of the Mineralogical Association of Canada (2015)

-Otto SCHOTT Research Award of the Ernst Abbe Foundation (2014)

- Elected member of the German national academy of science and technology - ACATECH (2013)

-Norman L. BOWEN Award of the American Geophysical Union (2013)

-Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz) (2013)

-Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2010)

-Advanced Researcher Award – European Research Council (2010-2011,2014-2017)

-Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (2009)

-Distinguished Lecturer – Mineralogical Society of America (2008-9)

-Chair of the section of Earth and Cosmic Sciences – Academia Europaea (2008-

-Robert Wilhelm BUNSEN Medal of the European Geoscience Union (2008)

-Elected Member of the Academia Europaea (2007)

- Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada (1998)

-MSA Award - Mineralogical Society of America (1996)

-Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America (1995)

-Gerhard-HESS-Research Prize of the German Science Foundation (DFG) (1993-98)

-Victor Moritz GOLDSCHMIDT Prize of the German Mineralogical Society (DMG-1991)


1.Dingwell, D.B., Scarfe, C.M., Cronin, D.J. The effect of fluorine on viscosities in the system: Na2O- Al2O3-SiO2: implications for phonolites, trachytes and rhyolites (1985) American Mineralogist 70 (1-2), pp. 80-87.

2.Dingwell, D.B., Webb, S.L. Structural relaxation in silicate melts and non-Newtonian melt rheology in geologic processes (1989) Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 16 (5), pp. 508-516.

3.Dingwell, D.B., Webb, S.L. Relaxation in silicate melts (1990) European Journal of Mineralogy 2 (4), pp. 427-449.

4.Webb, S.L., Dingwell, D.B. Non-Newtonian rheology of igneous melts at high stresses and strain rates: experimental results for rhyolite, andesite, basalt, and nephelinite (1990) Journal of Geophysical Research 95 (B10), pp. 15,695-15,701.

5.O'Neill, H.St.C., Dingwell, D.B., Borisov, A., Spettel, B., Palme, H. Experimental petrochemistry of some highly siderophile elements at high temperatures, and some implications for core formation and the mantle's early history (1995) Chemical Geology 120 (3-4), pp. 255-273.

6.Alidibirov, M., Dingwell, D.B. Magma fragmentation by rapid decompression (1996) Nature 380 (6570), pp. 146-148.

7.Dingwell, D.B. Volcanic dilemma: Flow or blow? (1996) Science 273 (5278), pp. 1054-1055.

8.Hess, K-U., Dingwell, D.B. Viscosities of hydrous leucogranitic melts: a non-Arrhenian model (1996) American Mineralogist 81 (9-10), pp. 1297-1300.

9.Veksler, I.V., Petibon, C., Jenner, G.A., Dorfman, A.M., Dingwell, D.B. Trace element partitioning in immiscible silicate-carbonate liquid systems: An initial experimental study using a centrifuge autoclave (1998) Journal of Petrology 39 (11-12), pp. 2095-2104.

10.Tuffen, H., Dingwell, D.B., Pinkerton, H. Repeated fracture and healing of silicic magma generate flow banding and earthquakes? (2003) Geology 31 (12), pp. 1089-1092.

11.Spieler, O., Kennedy, B., Kueppers, U., Dingwell, D.B., Scheu, B., Taddeucci, J. The fragmentation threshold of pyroclastic rocks (2004) Earth and Planetary Science Letters 226 (1-2), pp. 139-148.

12.Lavallée, Y., Hess, K.-U., Cordonnier, B., Dingwell, D.B. Non-Newtonian rheological law for highly crystalline dome lavas (2007) Geology 35 (9), pp. 843-846.

13.Veksler, I.V., Dorfman, A.M., Borisov, A.A., Wirth, R., Dingwell, D.B Liquid immiscibility and the evolution of basaltic magma (2007) Journal of Petrology 48 (11), pp. 2187-2210.

14.Lavallée, Y., Meredith, P.G., Dingwell, D.B., Hess, K.-U., Wassermann, J., Cordonnier, B., Gerik, A., Kruhl, J.H. Seismogenic lavas and explosive eruption forecasting (2008) Nature 453 (7194), pp. 507-510.

15.Giordano, D., Russell, J.K., Dingwell, D.B. Viscosity of magmatic liquids: A model. (2008) Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271 (1-4), pp. 123-134.

16.Castro, J.M., Dingwell, D.B. Rapid ascent of rhyolitic magma at Chaitén volcano, Chile (2009) Nature 461 (7265), pp. 780-783.

17.Russell, J.K., Porritt, L.A., Lavallée, Y., Dingwell, D.B. Kimberlite ascent by assimilation-fuelled buoyancy (2012) Nature 481 (7381), pp. 352-356.

18.Lavallée, Y., Dingwell, D.B., Johnson, J.B., Cimarelli, C., Hornby, A.J., Kendrick, J.E., Von Aulock, F.W., Kennedy, B.M., Andrews, B.J., Wadsworth, F.B., Rhodes, E., Chigna, G. Thermal vesiculation during volcanic eruptions (2015) Nature 528 (7583), pp. 544-547.

19.Di Genova, D., Kolzenburg, S., Wiesmaier, S., Dallanave, E., Neuville, D.R., Hess, K.U., Dingwell, D.B. A compositional tipping point governing the mobilization and eruption style of rhyolitic magma (2017) Nature 552 (7684), pp. 235-238.

20.Maters, E.C., Dingwell, D.B., Cimarelli, C., Müller, D., Whale, T.F., Murray, B.F. The importance of crystalline phases in ice nucleation by volcanic ash. (2019) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 5451-5465.