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The 7th Baiyan X Forum, with the topic of Space Science,was hosted in the Academic Lecture Hall on the 6th floor of the Baiyan Building on June 15, 2023. The Forum was organized by the International Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Science (IRI) in collaboration with the School of Space and Environment(SSE)and the Department of Human Resources and was co-hosted by the Committee of Young Geophysicists in Chinese Geophysical Society (CGS-CYG). Four distinguished scholars from the National Space Science Center (NSSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Institute of Space Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IWF), and Tsinghua University delivered exceptional presentations. Jinbin Cao, the Dean of theSSEpresided over the forum. Wenlong Liu, the Vice-Dean of theSSE, Fei Tao, the Executive Vice-Dean of the IRI, and Vice-Dean Juan Kong were present at the conference.

柏彦交叉论坛是为响应国家“聚焦未来可能产生变革性技术的基础科学领域,强化重大原创性研究和前沿交叉研究”、 “加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地”精神,搭建面向全球学科前沿与交叉学科的国际化创新交流平台,旨在汇聚全球智慧大脑,引育高端人才,孕育交叉学科新兴方向,培养新的学科增长点。

The Bai Yan X Forum was established with the purpose of responding to the call for "focusing on basic sciences that may lead to revolutionary technologies in the future, strengthening major original research and cutting-edge cross-research," and "accelerating the construction of the world's significant talent pool for innovation" to establish an international innovation exchange platform for global disciplinary frontiers and cross-disciplines. Its objective is to gather global intelligence, attract high-end professionals, drive innovation in cross-discipline areas, and foster growth in new disciplinary areas.


At the outset of The Forum, Dean JinbinCaodelivered a speech, saying thatthe advancements made in multidisciplinary research in recent years. In November 2020, in order to develop new scientific research areas, the NSFC Multidisciplinary Department was established. The categories were set by the State Council Academic Degrees Committee Office and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in January 2021. The talents have responded to the need for national development, and the IRI is in line with this trend.Space science, as a growing interdisciplinary field,refers to the utilization of spacecraft to study natural phenomena and their underlying laws in solar-terrestrial space, interplanetary space, and the entire universe. It is hoped that scholars will bring together cutting-edge advancements in space science research, particularly in deep-space exploration, supporting future convergence of scientific innovation.


During the scholars' report session, Jiyao Xu, the researcher from the NSSC andtherecipient of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, explained the research on the influence of solar and geomagnetic activities on upper atmospheric densities and orbiting satellites. He alsoshowed the expectations for the progress and objectives of the Meridian Project (Phase II). Professor Gang Qin of HIT, the recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, presented the research on high-energy particle modulation phenomena in the heliosphere of anomalous and Galactic cosmic rays, and the study of high-energy particles in the heliosphere on the acceleration and scattering mechanism of particles. Mingyu Wu, the academician at the IAA, senior researcher at the IWF, and the associate professor ofProf.Tielong Zhang's research team from HIT, shared his research on the magnetic field structure in the Martian environment. Starting from the investigation of Mars and the magnetic field configuration, he delved into the formation of magnetic structures such as magnetic holes and current sheets observed in the Martian environment. Dr.BinChengof Tsinghua University brought us a report on particle dynamics in the detection and defense of small celestial bodies. He said that small celestial body detection wouldbe a crucial part of the next decade for understanding the galaxies and emphasized the numerical modeling of small celestial bodies and the advancements in the evolution of small celestial bodies in the simulated solar system.


At the conclusion of the report, the scholars engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges with the audience, particularly in density measurement in atmospheric pressure, magnetic holes in the Martian magnetosheath, and numerical modeling of small celestial bodies. The 7th Baiyan X Forum provided valuable guidance for the development of space science in the future.





召集人:曹晋滨 教授


