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The First Baiyan X Forum Successfully Held


The first Baiyan X Forum was successfully held virtually on Zoom on October 28, 2022. The forum was organized by Peng Huanwu Collaborative Center for Research and Education and sponsored by International Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences. There were more than 200 scholars and experts from 9 countries and regions in the field of Physics attended this forum.  

2022年10月28日,由北京航空航天大学国际交叉科学研究院主办,彭桓武科教合作中心承办的第一期北航柏彦交叉科学研究论坛,简称“柏彦交叉论坛”(暨北航-理论所彭桓武论坛第三讲),于北京时间20:00在线举行。本期论坛的主题为“强子和核物理中的分子结构(Molecular Structures in Hadron and Nuclear Physics)”。

Baiyan X Forum invited Professor Ulf-G. Meißner, a renowned nuclear physicist, to deliver a keynote presentation entitled Molecular Structures in Hadron and Nuclear Physics. Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner is a full professor in theoretical physics and the leader of the theory group of the Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics at Bonn University. Being the leader of a world-leading team on theoretical nuclear and hadron physics, he is the director of the Institute for Nuclear Physics-3 (IKP-3) and Director of the Institute for Advanced Simulation-4 (IAS-4) at the Jülich Research Center. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Bonn University, from 2008 to 2016.

本次论坛邀请了国际著名核物理学家Ulf-G. Meißner 教授作报告。Ulf-G. Meißner 曾获欧洲物理学会核物理最高奖—Lise-Meitner 奖,是欧洲科学院院士,自2008年至2016年担任德国波恩大学自然科学与数学院院长,兼任尤利希(Jülich)研究中心核物理研究所理论所所长、高等模拟研究所四所所长等职,领导着强子物理和核物理理论领域国际一流的研究队伍。

Baiyan X forum was honored to have Professor Zou Bingsong to host the event. Professor Zou is a professor of Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITP, CAS), Director of the ITP, CAS - Peng Huanwu Collaborative Center for Research and Education, and Chair of the Academic Committee of School of Physics of Beihang University.


The Standard Model of the strong and electroweak interactions has successfully passed many tests. Arguably its last frontier is the formation of the bound states made of quarks and gluons, the hadrons and nuclei. Traditionally, hadron and nuclear physics have been considered as two disjoint fields. Professor Ulf-G. Meißner advocates a unified view and in the keynote presentation, he discussed the appearance of molecular structures in hadron and nuclear physics, triggered by the renewed interest in hadron spectroscopy due to the findings of many so-called exotic states. This leads to a new paradigm for the hadron spectrum, that was conventionally considered as a collection of quark model states.

2003年以来,科学家们在粒子物理的国际大科学装置上发现了很多有别于传统的3夸克重子和正反夸克对介子的奇特强子态,如北京谱仪III合作组发现的Zc(3900)和LHCb合作组发现的Pc五夸克态。这些发现吸引了实验和理论物理学家的极大兴趣。相关研究是近20年来强子谱研究的最重要前沿。一个关键的科学问题是这些奇特强子态到底是紧致多夸克态还是类似于氘核的强子分子态。Ulf-G. Meißner教授的报告聚焦于奇特强子态的分子态图像。他从惠勒提出核物理中类分子的结团现象讲起,以及一个世纪以来人们的研究与发现,进而深入到强子的分子态构型、强子分子态的理论、现象学等内容。报告包括8个部分,分别为:引言I:一点历史;引言II:强相互作用的奥秘;QCD的显著特征;强子分子态理论;强子分子态的候选者;强子分子态的现象学;首个奇特强子态-Λ(1405)双极点的故事;前景与总结。

The second Baiyan X Forum will be held on November 18th, 2022. The theme of the forum is digital twin, which will be organized by Digital Twin Research Center and sponsored by International Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences.


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