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Toshitaka KAJINO 梶野敏貴


l 研究方向

Cosmology and Nuclear Astrophysics

l 联系方式


l 个人简介

Prof. Toshitaka Kajino is an internationally renowned nuclear astrophysicist and cosmologist. He served as professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University, The University of Tokyo, and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan until 2021. Currently, he is a professor at Beihang University since 2017. His first scientific breakthrough was the precise theoretical prediction of the nuclear and particle reaction processes associated with solar neutrino emission and Big-Bang nucleosynthesis. He proposed inhomogeneous Big-Bang model including baryon fluctuations three years before the discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background fluctuations. He extensively studied the origin of heavy elements and found that the explosive nucleosynthesis in supernovae and collapsars dominates over the neutron-star mergers in the entire history of cosmic evolution. He fulfilled active international collaboration and established a new field of cosmo-nuclear physics. He is an initiator of the International Conference on "Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies" (OMEG) which started since 1988. He is the editor of Chinese Physics C and many other international journals. He published Handbook of Nuclear Physics, vol. I–V, from Springer Nature in 2023.


1975 April-1979 March, Bachelor of Science, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo

1979 April-1981 March, Master of Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

1981 April-1984 March, Doctor of Science (PhD), Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo


1984 April–1993 August, Assistant Professor of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University

1993 September–2021 March, Professor of Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

1994 April–2021 March, Professor of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo

2004–present, Fellow of American Physical Society, U.S.A.

2016–present, National High-end Foreign Specialist (One Thousand Talents Plan, Foreign Expert), P. R. China

2017 Marchpresent, Professor of Physics, and Director of International Research Center for Big-Bang Cosmology and Element Genesis, Beihang University

2022 June-present, Chief Scientist, Peng Huanwu Collaborative Center for Research and Education, Beihang University                              


Fellow of American Physical Society; National High-end Foreign Specialist (One Thousand Talents Plan, Foreign Expert); Board of Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics of China (INAC); International Advisory Committee of International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC), International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG), International Conference on Nuclei in The Cosmos (NIC), and others; Editors of Chinese Physics C (CPC), Nuclear Science and Techniques (NST), and other international journals.


(1) 科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2022YFA1602401, 核天体物理中关键光核反应研究, 2022-12 至 今,575万元, 在研, 参与

(2) 重点项目, 国家自然科学基金,12335009,利用超新星核合成约束中微子质量排序,2024-1 至 今,239万元, 在研, 主持

(3) 重点项目, 国家自然科学基金,12435010,太阳中微子与锂丰度相关天体物理关键反应3He(α,γ)7Be的锦屏深地直接测量,2025-1 至 今,239万元, 在研, 参与


Prof. Toshitaka Kajino’s research areas include mainly theoretical studies of particle cosmology, Galactic chemical and dynamical evolution, nuclear structure and reactions of astrophysical interest, explosive nucleosynthesis in the Big-Bang, stars, supernovae and neutron star mergers, neutrino oscillations, and astrobiology. He carries out active international collaborations with experimental nuclear physicists, observational astronomers, X-gamma ray cosmo-chemists, and meteorite space scientists, too. He was awarded Fellow of American Physics Society in 2004 for his significant contributions to nuclear astrophysics and theoretical nuclear physics and for the promotion of scientific exchange among international communities. He received honor of visiting professorship from many universities in Australia, France and U.S.A. as well as Japan. He has written more than 270 original papers in international journals and given more than 300 invited international conference talks. Total citation of his papers is more than 14,000 times and the h-index is 62 (Google Scholar).


(1) Astrophysical Journal Letters 966 (2024), L37,Possibility of secondary i-, and s-processes following r-process in the collapsar jet.”

(2) Springer Nature (2023), “Handbook of Nuclear Physics, Vol. I – V.

(3) Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 107 (2019), 109, “Current Status of r-Process Nucleosynthesis.”

(4) Physical Review Letters 121 (2018), 102701, “Short-lived radioisotope 98Tc synthesized by supernova neutrino process.”

(5) Nature 434 (2005), 871, “Nucleosynthetic signature of the first stars.”